While costumes are not required at Fallout New Vegas Celebration, it’s always fun to dress up in something appropriate. Generic wastelander costumes are totally fine, but here are some direct Fallout ideas:
New Vegas Characters
Vault Dweller
Probably the most recognized costume from the Fallout universe is the vault suit.
The vault suit always pairs with the forearm computer called the Pip Boy.
Due to the suit’s somewhat complex details, it’s usually best to buy a vault suit from cosplay clothing manufacturer.
The word on the street is that miccostumes makes a good, budget vault 111 suit.
Other decent suits are made by procosplay and manles.
If you want to make your own vault suit from scratch, you will want to consider these two patterns:
McCalls 4830
Simplicity US8615BB
It’s also not uncommon to see improvised vault suits made out of blue mechanics coveralls. All you really need to do is sew some yellow fabric to the front and neck.
NCR Trooper
As the official host of the festivities, you’ll see lots of New California Republic troopers all around Goodsprings.
NCR solders typically wear a khaki uniform, with leather armor, and a variety of headgear.
The headgear ranges from a red beret, a pith or sun helmet, and even a campaign hat.
– beret, sun helmet, campaign hat
NCR Ranger
The rangers wear an olive green canvas duster, padded armor, a mask and helmet.
Brotherhood of Steel
Create armor or buy a Paladin suit, or go as a regular soldier in fatigues
Great Khans
Mongolian-inspired leather vests
The Kings
One of the greaser-style factions in the Fallout universe,
Caesar’s Legion
A Roman-inspired faction that wears football pads
Benny Chairman of New Vegas
You’ll probably see a few Bennies at New Vegas Festival. Just look for the gingham blazers, gray slacks and black ties.
Joshua Graham
Cosplay by heylookitsthatguycosplay. Photo by lightreaver_photo
Also known as the Burned Man, Joshua Graham wears a memorable costume made of face and arm bandages and a SWAT tactical vest.
Followers of the Apocalypse
White lab coats
photo credits: Blubbin and friends
These zombie-style people were made extremely popular by Amazon’s Fallout TV show.
Other Fallout Game Costumes
Nuka Girl
The Atom Cats
The Tunnel Snakes
Original Post-Apocalyptic Costumes
Show off your creativity with your own take on a wastelander outfit. Check out our Post-Apocalyptic Costumes 101 guide.