Tribes of the Wasteland, Raiders, Nomads, and all of you struggling to survive in this damned world!
Hear ye, hear ye – Rusthaven, the town at the foot of the mountain of scrap and rust, is opening its gates for the second time. And once again, it’s going to be amazing, (non)rusty, and epic!
This is a unique opportunity to forget the troubles of everyday life for a few days and enjoy the company of like-minded deviants. There will be concerts, performances, lectures, games… basically everything your lazy asses could wish for. So, get yourselves over here!
Rusthaven is a festival organized by fans of the post-apocalyptic genre for a like-minded community. Building on the success of its first edition, it’s aiming even higher this time.
Visitors can once again look forward to a diverse music lineup, lectures, workshops, performances, a new edition of the Rustbrawl card game, and the continuation of the event’s lore. There will also be games, various competitions, tribes inhabiting RZB, and LARP quests.
A costume requirement applies to all participants – because, you know, it adds to the atmosphere!
The festival is entirely volunteer-run by the Raketová základna Bratronice association, and participants must be 18 or older. All entry fees go directly into organizing the event and improving the Base’s grounds.