
Tips, advice and techniques on how to Stain Bones and Teeth

Tea or Coffee

Soak the bones inside a jar of strong tea or coffee for up to 12 hours. Alternatively, wrap the bone in cotton towel and keep the towel soaked in strong tea or coffee. If you use tea, black tea is best.

Wood Stain

Brush on wood stain. Dilute if necessary.

Leather Dye

Apply diluted brown leather dye to wet bone.


Add salt to Rit dye and use hot.

Potassium Permanganate

This is what professionals use to stain antlers. In comes in a purple powder that dries brown. Just mix a small amount into water and immerse or paint the bone for a minute or more. It’s quick, easy & permanent.

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blowtorch will age bone and antlers, but may leave them brittle.

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